Source: Motion Graphic Design : Applied History and Aesthetics
By Jon Krasner
Chapter 6: Images, live action, and type : design
This chapter walked us through the visual
properties (form, value & colour, texture & pattern), image
consideration, live action consideration (filmic form, filmic properties,
integrating live-action), and typograpghic considerations (typographic form
& motion, expression through typeface). This chapter studies a wide range
of mediums, and would be most beneficial to those planning on creating a title
sequence as it deals with type, tone, focus, and many story-board-like
examples. On this blog, I try to share as many examples from the textbook as I
can, unfortunately I can always locate the material and will substitute my own
Geometric Form
Natural Form
Abstract Form
Rhythmus 23 (1923)
by Hans Richter
by Hans Richter
Mothlight (1963)
by Stan Brakhage
Cinema 4D
Blur Studio ID: Venice
Value and Colour
“Studies have indicated that most human beings make a subconscious assessment about what they see within 90 seconds of initial viewing, and that their evaluation is based on colour alone.” P 171
The components of Colour:
the colour itself
the colour itself
Saturation (chroma)
the hue’s purity or intensity or lack thereof
the hue’s purity or intensity or lack thereof
Value (tone or brightness)
lightness or darkness of the colour by adding white or black
lightness or darkness of the colour by adding white or black
Emotional, gender, and cultural association:
Men are attracted to dark and saturated
Woman are attracted to cool colours and softer tints.
Woman are attracted to cool colours and softer tints.
MOJO (Male Oriented Entertainment Network)
Dark rich and deep colours for upscale male audeince
Decent Days And Nights
The Futureheads
Florescent colours to express vintage rock
When choosing colour know your audience,
gender, culture, time-period, etc
- Australian Aboriginals: Land, earth
- Celtic: Death, afterlife
- China: Good luck, celebration, summoning
- Cherokees: Success, triumph. Represents the East.
- Hebrew: Sacrifice, sin
- India: Purity
- South Africa: Color of mourning
- Russia: Bolsheviks and Communism
- Eastern: Worn by brides, happiness and prosperity
- Western: Excitement, danger, love, passion, stop, Christmas (with green), Valentine's Day
- Astrology: Gemini
- Feng Shui: Yang, fire, good luck, money, respect, recognition, vitality
- Psychology: Stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, increases blood pressure
- Roses: Love, respect - red and yellow together means gaiety, joviality
- Stained Glass (Dante): Divine love, the Holy Spirit, courage, self-sacrifice, martyrdom. A warm, active color.
- Korea: Trust
- Eastern: Marriage
- Western: Love, babies, especially female babies, Valentine's Day
- Feng Shui: Yin, love
- Psychology: Used in diet therapy as an appetite suppressant, relaxes muscles, soothing
- Roses: Gratitude and appreciation (deep pink) or admiration and sympathy (light pink)
- Ireland: Religious (Protestants)
- Netherlands: House of Orange
- Western: Halloween (with black), creativity, autumn
- Astrology: Sagittarius
- Feng Shui: Yang, earth, strengthens conversation, purpose, organization
- Psychology: Energizes, stimulates appetite
- Roses: Enthusiasm, desire
- Eastern: Wealth, strength
- Western: Wealth
- Astrology: Leo (Golden Yellow/Orange)
- Feng Shui: Yang, metal, God consciousness
- Stained Glass (Dante): The sun, the goodness of God, treasure in heaven, spiritual achievement, and the good life.
- Apache: East - where the sun rises
- Cherokee: Trouble and strife.
- China: Nourishing, royalty
- Egypt: Mourning
- India: Merchants
- Japan: Courage
- Navajo: Doko'oosliid - Abalone Shell Mountain
- Eastern: Proof against evil, for the dead, sacred, imperial
- Western: Hope, hazards, coward, weakness, taxis
- Astrology: Taurus
- Feng Shui: Yang, earth, auspicious, sun beams, warmth, motion
- Psychology: Energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite
- Roses: Sociability, friendship, joy, gladness - red and yellow together means gaiety, joviality
- Stained Glass (Dante): The sun, the goodness of God, treasure in heaven, spiritual achievement, and the good life.
- Apache: South
- China: Green hats indicate a man's wife is cheating on him, exorcism
- India: Islam
- Ireland: Symbol of the entire country, religious (Catholics)
- Islam: Perfect faith
- Japan: Life
- Eastern: Eternity, family, health, prosperity, peace
- Western: Spring, new birth, go, money, Saint Patrick's Day, Christmas (with red)
- Astrology: Cancer (bright green)
- Feng Shui: Yin, wood, growing energy, nurturing, balancing, healing, health, calming
- Psychology: Soothing, relaxing mentally and physically, helps with depression, anxiety and nervousness
- Stained Glass (Dante): Hope, victory over ignorance, happiness and gaiety, springtime, youth, good humor, and fun.
- Cherokees: Defeat, trouble. Represents the North.
- China: Immortality
- Iran: Color of heaven and spirituality, mourning
- Navajo: Tsoodzil - Turquoise Mountain
- Eastern: Wealth, self-cultivation
- Western: Depression, sadness, conservative, corporate, "something blue" bridal tradition
- Astrology: Capricorn and Aquarius (dark blue)
- Feng Shui: Yin, water, calm, love, healing, relaxing, peace, trust, adventure, exploration
- Psychology: Calming, lowers blood pressure, decreases respiration
- Stained Glass (Dante): Wisdom of God, the light of heaven, meditation, enduring loyalty, and eternity.
Powder Blue or
Baby Blue
- Western: babies, especially male babies
- Astrology: Virgo
- Thailand: Mourning, widows
- Eastern: Wealth
- Western: Royalty
- Astrology: Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces
- Feng Shui: Yin, spiritual awareness, physical and mental healing
- Stained Glass (Dante): Justice, royalty, suffering and mystery. With white it stands for humility and purity.
- Astrology: Virgo and Libra
- Psychology: Suppresses appetite, peaceful environment, good for migraines
- Apache: North - source of snow.
- Cherokee: Peace and happiness. Represents the South.
- China: Death, mourning
- India: unhappiness
- Japan: White carnation symbolizes death
- Navajo: Tsisnaasjini' - Dawn or White Shell Mountain
- Eastern: Funerals, helpful people, children, marriage, mourning, peace, travel
- Western: Brides, angels, good guys, hospitals, doctors, peace (white dove)
- Astrology: Aries and Pisces
- Feng Shui: Yang, metal, death, mourning, spirits, ghosts, poise, confidence
- Roses: Reverence, humility
- Stained Glass (Dante): Serenity, peace, purity, joy, faith, and innocence.
- Apache: West - where the sun sets
- Australian Aboriginals: Color of the people
- Cherokee: Problems and death. Represents the West.
- China: Color for young boys
- Navajo: Dibé Nitsaa - Obsidian Mountain
- Thailand: Bad luck, unhappiness, evil
- Eastern: Career, evil, knowledge, mourning, pennance
- Western: Funerals, death, Halloween (with orange), bad guys, rebellion
- Feng Shui: Yin, water, money, income, career success, emotional protection, power, stability, bruises, evil
- Psychology: self-confidence, strength, power
- Eastern: Helpers, travel
- Western: Boring, dull, plain, sad
- Feng Shui: Yin, metal, dead, dull, indefinite
- Western: stylish, money
- Feng Shui: Yin, metal, trust, romance
- Australian Aboriginals: Color of the land
- Cherokee: Good.
- Western: Wholesome, earthy, dependable, steadfast, health
- Astrology: Capricorn and Scorpio (reddish brown)
- Feng Shui: Yang, earth, industry, grounded
Texture & Pattern
Promsite in Motion
by Ritxi Ostariz
by Ritxi Ostariz
House M.D. Opening Credits
Tone and Contrast
Key Light
Fill Light
3-Point Lighting
Key Light
Fill Light
3-Point Lighting
Depth of Field and Focus
Focal Distance
Deep Focus
Shallow Focus
Racking Focus
Focal Distance
Deep Focus
Shallow Focus
Racking Focus
Camera Angle and Shot Size
Shot size
Establishing Shot
Medium Shot
Over the Shoulder
Shot size
Establishing Shot
Medium Shot
Over the Shoulder
Altered States (1980 film title)
Black Day to Freedom (opening)
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